Renaissance Day Spa and Alternative Wellness

Alternative Therapies

We are proud to be on the cutting edge of health and wellness offering exclusive services such as Dry Float, Compression Therapy, and NuCalm, which are innovators in high performance recovery as well as an alternative solution to mind and body regeneration.

Infrared Sauna


An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared heaters to emit radiant heat that is absorbed directly by the body’s surface. Unlike traditional saunas, which heat the air to warm the body indirectly, infrared saunas heat the body directly, providing a gentler and more comfortable experience for many people.

Health Benefits: Detoxification, Heart Health, Immunity, Muscle Recovery, Anti-aging, Improved Sleep, Increased Metabolism

$30 per session


Compression therapy is a popular treatment that involves using a specialized compression device that applies controlled, dynamic pressure to your extremities (arms, legs or hips) which can aid in recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and improve circulation.

Health Benefits: Enhanced Circulation, Muscle Recovery, Edema Reduction, Improved Range of Motion, Pain Relief, Relaxation, Prevention

$25 per session

Dry Float

A dry floatation session allows you to enjoy the benefits of a traditional float tank without getting wet. Our Zerobody float bed has a warm, water filled membrane that lowers into a bed and imparts a feeling of weightlessness and deep relaxation. It is different from traditional floatation therapy, which involves floating in a tank of buoyant saltwater. In a dry float, you remain dry throughout the entire treatment. No need to get wet. No need to get undressed.

Our Dry Float therapy sessions feature NuCalm , a patented technology embedded in music that communicates with a disc placed on your wrist to tell the cells in your body to slow down the production of cortosol and adrenaline. Just a 20 minute Dry Float Session with Nucalm is the equivalent of 3-5 hours of REM sleep.

Health Benefits: Stress Reduction, Muscle and Joint Relief, Improved Sleep, Mental Relaxation, Improved Circulation, Pain Relief, Lymphatic System Stimulation

20 minute session - $35

30 minute session - $45

50 minute session - $65


Whole Body Cyrotherapy

Whole Body Cryotherapy is a therapeutic treatment that exposes the entire body to subzero temperatures for up to 3 minutes in order to elicit the body’s natural inflammatory response, release endorphins, reduce bodily pain, and accelerate recovery.

The frigid temperatures instantly send the body into a natural fight or flight response. This causes your blood vessels constrict and blood is then redirected toward your core charging your body with oxygen and anti-inflammatory proteins. Excess white blood cells are flushed out, boosting your metabolic rate.

Isolated Cryotherapy

Isolated cryotherapy, often referred to as “local cryotherapy” or “spot cryotherapy,” is a form of cryotherapy that targets specific areas of the body rather than exposing the entire body to cold temperatures. Unlike whole-body cryotherapy, where a person enters a cryogenic chamber, isolated cryotherapy involves applying cold therapy to a particular body part or area.

Health Benefits: Decrease inflammation, mood enhancement, anti-aging & skin rejuvenation, increased metabolism, improved sleep, Pain Relief, Improved Recovery, Energy Boost, Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Whole Body Cryotherapy $35

Isolated Cryotherapy $15


Cold Plunge is a type of hydrotherapy designed for the practice of cold-water immersion. It involves immersing the body in very cold water for a short duration of time and is used for a variety of health benefits.

Health Benefits: Elevated Energy, Muscle Recovery, Pain Relief, Stress Reduction, Improved Circulation, Enhanced Immunity, Momentum

20 minute session - $20


Floatation therapy, also known as sensory deprivation therapy or isolation tank therapy, is a relaxation and wellness practice that involves floating in a specially designed tank filled with saltwater. The water in the float tank is saturated with Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), creating a highly buoyant and supportive environment. The concept behind floatation therapy is to provide individuals with a sensory-restricted experience that promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and various potential health benefits.

Health Benefits: Relaxation and Stress Reduction, Pain Relief, Enhanced Sleep, Mental Clarity, Reduced Muscle Tension, Improved Skin and Hair

30 MINUTES- $45

60 MINUTES $80

90 MINUTES $105

Halo Therapy Salt Room

Halotherapy (dry salt therapy) is a natural, drug-free, alternative treatment that may help to improve respiratory issues and skin conditions.

The key process involves a halogenerator crushing and grinding 99.99% Pure Grade Sodium Chloride (salt) into very tiny microparticles. The halogenerator, or halotherapy machine, then disperses these dry aerosol microparticles of salt into the salt therapy room, salt cave, halotherapy sauna, or SALT Booth® during a typical session.

As an individual undergoes a salt therapy session, they inhale the microparticles. The particles penetrate deep into the lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli to address respiratory concerns.

At the same time, the non-inhaled salt particles are absorbed by the body to combat skin conditions. Salt therapy can offer both respiratory (lungs and breathing) and cutaneous (skin-related) benefits. Additionally, the relaxing, calm environment offered by salt room therapy can help with stress reduction.

Health Benefits: Respiratory Health, Improves Skin Conditions, Stress Reduction, Improved Well-Being

20 minute session - $25


Whole Body Cyrotherapy

Whole Body Cryotherapy is a therapeutic treatment that exposes the entire body to subzero temperatures for up to 3 minutes in order to elicit the body’s natural inflammatory response, release endorphins, reduce bodily pain, and accelerate recovery.

The frigid temperatures instantly send the body into a natural fight or flight response. This causes your blood vessels constrict and blood is then redirected toward your core charging your body with oxygen and anti-inflammatory proteins. Excess white blood cells are flushed out, boosting your metabolic rate.

Isolated Cryotherapy

Isolated cryotherapy, often referred to as “local cryotherapy” or “spot cryotherapy,” is a form of cryotherapy that targets specific areas of the body rather than exposing the entire body to cold temperatures. Unlike whole-body cryotherapy, where a person enters a cryogenic chamber, isolated cryotherapy involves applying cold therapy to a particular body part or area.

Health Benefits: Decrease inflammation, mood enhancement, anti-aging & skin rejuvenation, increased metabolism, improved sleep, Pain Relief, Improved Recovery, Energy Boost, Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Whole Body Cryotherapy $35

Isolated Cryotherapy $15

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